Municipal election

Municipal elections will be held in Finland in April 2021.

Election day is Sunday 18 April. The advance voting period is in Finland from 7 to 13 April 2021 and abroad from 7 to 10 April 2021.

Information about your right vote in municipal election you find here.

Municipal election is your chance to have a say!

City councils make decisions about your everyday life such as childrens day care and schooling, public transport, opportunities for hobbies, culture services and social and healt care.

It does matter who makes decisions.

We create a city that is inclusive for all. In our Lahti every child gets the support she/he/they need and have a real chance to study further and have a hobby that supports they growth and social networks.

Families should get help easier when facing troubles. Mental health services must be invested radically, particularly young people should have chance to meet psychologist in a week, instead of sex months waiting now.

Elderly people shall have the care they need and everyone gets to doctor within a week, when not case of emergency.

We support public transport and better cycling conditions. For cutting our carbon foot print we also establish renewable energy and circular economics.

Lahti needs better humane grip of people struggling with drugs and homelessness. People should be taken care as a wholeness. Drug abuse should not be obstruction to have help for mental health problems or the other way around.